
I'd like to start this post with a little introduction to my blog....

My husband and I were driving home from having dinner with my mom and dad. We began talking about things that I tend to start, but have a hard time finishing. The biggest example he brought up was this damn new blog. He had all these questions as to why I didn't just add on to the blog that I had before. It was a hard thing to explain to a man that really doesn't know much of anything about my past, other than what he has asked about, that I couldn't bare to reopen that blog that held so many dark secrets. There is no way I am able to convert that blog to a free for all after keeping it private to the world. I want this blog to be something that I am able to just let myself go. If I'm having a hard day due to hormones; there's no doubt that there will be other people that are in the same boat as me that aren't going to judge. Not only that, but I just couldn't find a name. You can't just be like "YES!!!! Let's pick "Everyone Get Pregnant"  and call it a day. It's almost like picking a name out for your newborn. You always think, "Oh dear, will that get them picked on at recess?", "No, I don't think Spam is an appropriate nickname", or "Does that tie in with the last name and have a wonderful ring to it". This blog is my baby.

Now that this baby has a name; I should probably introduce myself and my handsome husband. My name is Jessica and I'm a 24. I am a Store Manager for a luxury optical retailer. I happen to be married to my best friend and partner in crime, 36 year old, Giovanni. Giovanni is a Branch Manager for a world wide known bank.  We met 3 years ago while I was opening an account at his branch. It's a long drawn out story.... I can gush about it all day, but long story short..... I stood him up on the first date. I felt like an asshole and ended up going out with him anyways. I gave him a shot and two years later on June 29th, 2013, I became Mrs. Banker (no that's not my real last name). We have gone through so much in such little time, yet no matter what, we have each other.

This blog is going to be our story and our lifeline through our journey...... TRYING TO GET PREGNANT.....

This subject in itself is a hard one. I will be able to fully go in to detail a little at a time whether it's writing about when to know when to ask for help or just giving back story to our experiences.

I can absolutely say that I am thankful for those that have stood by my side through it all. Most of you know my story, but I guess what I happen to really be looking to do, is be the voice for those of you that are having trouble understanding that yes we can do it. I want this to be a blog that I can come to and spill my guts. Not to be scolded. I want other women to understand theat they are not alone in this journey that we call life.

Off to bed now, but will write my first official post tomorrow.

Love & Light,



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