New Year, New . . .

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

So this post might be a little bit all over the place due to my husband being busy with his own work and our daughter watching  "Finding Dory" in the same room as me. If you're a mom with a toddler, then I know you know what I'm talking about. If you aren't a parent yet, just wait! Your time is coming! I just know it!!

When I last updated, I had just returned home from a stay in AZ & WA and was permanently grounded from traveling by my OB. It was a great way to kick off our holiday season!
Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful, but it was fun to spend time with friends & we hit Target for the Black Friday deals. Who doesn't love Black Friday deals? I got Little Man's baby monitor & some gifts for the nephews for way less than what I was expecting! The baby monitor was even more perfect for the fact that it's a dual monitor & Penelope's monitor has been used so much that it's starting to go out on us. Plus, who doesn't like to save 48% on a baby monitor?!? What a steal!

Our nephew Nova had his first birthday in Heaven on December 7th. It was a super hard day to get through, but it was so nice to go through all of our pictures of him and reminisce. It was a brutal reminder though that we would no never be able to hold that sweet boy's hands or get the big hugs again. We watched some older videos of us together and of Penelope & Nova. We are thankful for the time that we were given with him. I finally put up the decal on my Pathfinder in memory of Nova on his birthday. I should have done it sooner. It's so nice to see his sweet name in my rear view mirror every time I look up.

I had my glucose test on December 13th. I felt a little nauseous this go around with it, but it wasn't as horrible as a lot of people have explained. It was super easy with Penelope & there wasn't an issue. As always, different pregnancy, different experiences. I didn't pass this glucose test. It wasn't a horrible fail, but they wanted to do the 3 hour just in case. I was suppose to go back the Wednesday after Christmas to do the three hour test aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I flippin' forgot to go in. I'm not use to having Giovanni home on vacation and being on the constant go. It really threw me off my game.

Christmas was a little rocky and didn't go quite as I had hoped, but there is always next year to try again. It was so nice to see Penelope happy and getting the concept of opening up presents.

The official countdown to Little Man has begun! How did we get to the point that it's time to really get into gear?!? 52 days and counting! We have been trying to prepare as much as possible for the arrival of our boy. We've really started to work on the nursery & have found some amazing colors to go with the theme we are looking for. We aren't doing a traditional theme for a nursery, but more of doing a fun color palette of champagne, sea foam green, purples, and greys. It's coming along nicely.
We went for our final 3D/4D ultrasound and I have to say that it was so amazing to see his little face. It reminded me of when we did the 3D/4D with Penelope & how she actually did look like the 4D scan! I mean obviously it was her, but it was kind of creepy that it was so spot on! I remember it making it super final in my head! Like it became real that I was finally having a baby! Same exact thing happened when we saw his little face! It finally hit me that I was going to be a mother to two, yes. . . TWO kids!! He is such a ham!
We were even more excited at the possibility that he has hair! If you personally know us or have followed our journey from the beginning, then you know Penelope was bald until she was about 18 months old. Poor kid got the white genes with her hair. This sweet boy looks to have a lot of it!
It wasn't until right after this photo was done that we realized that my last name was misspelled and corrected afterwards. I have never been so excited about hair that wasn't mine!

We have baby shower, hospital walk through, and final doctor appointments coming up in the upcoming weeks! I hope to share a couple photos with you all of the nursery & the baby shower!!

Love & Light,



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