Day 6 of Stims & Follicle Count

Today was my follicle count since starting Follistim, Menopur, and Ganirelix on June 4th. I had really bad pressure migraines for the first few days, but once I upped my water intake I was good to go. The Menopur is what really hit me hard. The Menopur causes me to have insomnia worse than I had with my pregnancy with Penelope. I feel as though I'm hooked up to a Red Bull IV drip. I get the jitters and it seems as though I bloat more the day after Menopur injections. I happened to hit two tiny blood vessels in my stomach and so I bruised more than normal. That was tons of fun.

I went to my doctor appointment this morning for more blood work and an ultrasound. My body was super reactive to the stimulants to the point where my specialist lessened my doses and even cut me off two days early. I had 37 (20 on my right, 17 on my left) follicles that they are almost positive will be up to at least a 15 on Monday when I go in for another follicle sizing and blood work.  I had sizes 18,17, 16, 15, and few that were around 8 on my right side. to say that I am really REALLY feeling the heaviness and aching on my right. The ultrasound wand was really putting the pressure on my left as well. I had some amazing 16, 15, 14, and around 8 & 9's on the left side. Almost all should be mature to aspirate.

EGG RETRIEVAL!!!!! Guys, here where it gets exciting! Due to so many awesome follies they have pushed up my possible retrieval date! My prior possible retrieval date was originally the 16th-18, which Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. We are looking at a trigger shot after my ultrasound on Monday and ER on Wednesday! WHHHHAAAAAAAT? I'm doing a fresh transfer. The fresh transfer means that they will do the transfer five days later. I could literally be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise) as of Monday, June 19th! I could have a tiny little one in my body in less than 2 weeks!
For the first time in this process, Giovanni actually seemed really excited and surprised that things were going so well and for the retrieval to be just on the horizon.

I am finally tired and hopefully I can try to get a nap in before Penelope wakes up. No Menopur tonight! I will finally get some much needed rest tonight.



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