Unexpected Post

Now I usually only write a blog a night... but tonight... there's a need for two... I wanted to just kind of update everyone with where I am right now.

On Friday, June 13, 2014, I had another HSG. The results came back normal and I have been given a higher dose of Clomid. I have been pregnant twice on this so we shall see how this next couple rounds go. If we are not pregnant by the end of December, Dr. K will refer us to another doctor that he works closely with. We will then start looking at IVF and IUI. Some of you may not recognize the terms IVF and IUI so I will have a short explanation of both..

Most are familiar with IVF. Invitro Fertilization. It's what they like to call a "test tube" baby. They extract semen from the male and eggs from the female. The eggs that are usable, they fertilize with the semen and they decide from there what eggs are able to be inserted into the uterus.

We are a candidate for this as this bypasses the traveling through the fallopian tubes. With our history of having an ectopic pregnancy, this is ideal IF the time comes that we decide that IVF is our last chance at becoming parents.

IUI tends to be something a little less talked about. IntraUterine Insemination. Super simple. The male will give his semen, a lot of times they will "wash" the semen so make sure they only have quality swimmers and they will then insert the semen directly into the uterus. Then mother nature will take its toll and MAYBE the semen will be able to successfully fertilize the egg and a baby will implant.

We are a candidate for this, however, there is not much of a $$ difference between the IUI and IVF. IUI is not as successful as IVF & if we're going to spend the money doing either or, I am going to take my chance at IVF. Plain and simple.


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