Baby Cabrera Part Two

Now before I start this post I would like to add something that I think is vital to tell.... I have been drinking wine tonight. With that being said, I will not be surprised if there are misspelling of words or run on sentences. I pretty much think all my sentences are basically run on sentences... but Fuck It.

I wanted to take pictures every waking fucking second of my life.... I was waiting for that magical little bump to appear.... That photo was taken at 5 weeks. As we all know... No one in their right mind shows at 5 weeks. Many women don't even know they are pregnant at 5 weeks. As an expecting mother, you are looking for people to tell you that you're going to be so cute when you get bigger or you will lose the baby weight as soon as you pop that sucker out.  I didn't get that treatment. It almost felt like it was taboo for me to be pregnant. It was taboo for anyone to talk about it. It sure as hell was a no-no subject for my best friend and I.

She said it," You don't know what could happen."


Just an FYI, I am not shaming Tays for this. I am not wanting to make her feel bad whatsoever. I don't want her to feel like a piece of shit. All of this is not for that purpose. This is for the purpose of getting anyone and everyone to imagine what I was feeling at this time. So happy to FINALLY be pregnant and no one seems to be really happy besides my boss and my parents.

Let's jump forward to September 22, 2013.

My day of birth... or as my brother says, "Happy You Made It Through The Vagina Day".....

My birthday is always a huge thing in the Mr. & Mrs. Banker household. ALWAYS. Not complaining one bit, but never by my choice. I typically like to get up, go to work, go home, eat dinner, and sleep.... With Gio, if you know him then you know, this is never the case. It has always been over the top and special. The kind of treatment that a princess gets.

Gio let me sleep in until 8 am & woke me up with my favorite Decaf coffee... I was still sticking to the no caffeine rule. I played on my Ipad and caught up on a favorite show of mine while he was cooking. I craved sodium & really craved eggs. Giovanni surprised me with my favorite veggie omelet, french toast, and chopped strawberries. It was the first time I ever had a food adversion.... melted cheese.... Of every fucking thing holy... cheese was the devil. Don't get me wrong... this fat girl ate that shit anyways...

I laid on the sofa after eating and something just didnt feel right. I had a pulsating pain near my right hip. The types of pain that you have when you ovulate, but about 10-25x worse depending on how you lay. I had a hard time sitting up, but once I did I made my way over to the bathroom. For anyone who hasn't been pregnant, let me fill you in on a fun fact. Your prenatal vitamins can cause constipation. I had been experiencing that a little bit over a couple of days, but no biggie. Your digestive track tends to slow down when you're pregnant and Iron from your prenatal tends to make it even slower... hence the back up.  This pain was different... only on my right side....

I went to stand up and I thought I had peed my pants... nope not pee.... blood.

I spent my birthday in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm and nurses and doctors running everywhere around me. They made me take out my Chanel earrings, my Vera Wang wedding band, my nose ring, my tongue ring, and my belly button ring to give to my husband. They told me to give him my Michael Kors purse too. They were all whispering & no one was telling us what was going on. Finally a lady came in, started rubbing my leg & said, "Honey, we're going to prep you for surgery. You are having an ectopic pregnancy."  I immediately started crying uncontrollably & Gio didn't know what this meant. When the nurse explained it to him... it sunk in....

All of a sudden I had a couple more people around me telling me that I was in fact NOT going to have surgery. Dr. K had called and told them to give me a shot of Methotrexate and that I would follow up with an ultrasound in two days to make sure it passed...

Dr K tried to explain to me that sometimes this happens. Not all eggs go where they need to be. Some get stuck.... blah blah blah blah blah

It didn't matter at this point....

FUCK YOU 24TH birthday


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