Love is.... Wait.... What is it?

It's been 10 weeks since my last post and I can't really explain how UNmotivated I have been. I keep telling everyone how I am going to catch everyone up & have even announced "IT'S BLOG DAY!" on Facebook, but still can't seem to get it together enough to sit down and force myself to blog.

I recently was on facebook & a friend told me of one of her friends who is going through infertility. Immediately it brought me to why I began this blog. I began this blog to inspire others, to keep faith alive, & know that even if it doesn't happen right this very second that their time is coming. 

The last time I wrote I was 11 weeks. 11-16 weeks nothing really happened other than my acne started slowly going away & my appetite came back with a vengeance! I love the fact that my food aversions are almost completely gone. I still get a little queasy when it comes to the smell of meat being cooked, but I no longer have a problem eating it. 

I want to really focus on love. Everyone has their own definition as to what love really means. The dictionary defines love as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection. Everyone always has this glorious thing to say about love. I can honestly say that I can no longer explain what love is. This normally would worry someone. I even had someone ask me if I just don't have a connection with my baby. 
That all is silly. Yes, I have a connection with my baby. Yes, I do love her. I cannot define love anymore because there is no way you can describe a love like this. You can't put into words what it's like to carry a child. You cannot define what it's like to hear your little one's heartbeat for the first time. I can say that I have finally felt what it's like to be so in love with someone that it hurts. 
Before anyone assumes, yes I do STILL love my husband. It's a different love. I love him unconditionally & yes, we are STILL together. I cannot see that changing any time soon. 

I can tell you what falling in love is like! I fell in love with my husband all over again when we got to do the 3d/4d ultrasound 6 weeks ago! It was a feeling that was a level more than when I first laid eyes on him as my father walked me down the aisle. We sat there holding hands & crying as we got to see OUR baby on the big screen. Yes, OUR baby. A baby that took us what seemed like forever to conceive. Absolutely breath taking. 

Giovanni kept calling the baby "he" while I kept calling baby "she". He swore up and down that because both of his siblings have ALL boys, that it could only mean that we would have a boy too. He even told the ultrasound tech that he knew it was a boy. I mean come on!!! Why would he be the one to have a girl when everyone else had a boy? I just had this little voice in the back of my head telling me it was a girl. 

So who was right?

Ever heard the phrase, "Mother knows best"? That's right! Baby Cabrera is a beautiful little GIRL. What was Daddy's reaction?? To immediately break down in tears. Still trying to figure out if he broke down because he was wrong or if it hit him that he is now out numbered. 

She is more than any words could ever explain! SHE IS LOVE. 

Before anyone asks.... We have not completely agreed on a name. Although 99% of our family is rooting for the name Penelope =] 

This weekend is our baby shower back home in Vegas. I will write on WHY we decided to have a baby shower so early on the next post. yes I will only be 21w4d. 

Just in case you're wondering what love is..... this might give you a little clue.


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