Let's Play Catch Up

It's been 6 months since I've updated! How? Where did all the time go? My belly started to drop right around Christmas/New Years. I was worried that I was going to go into preterm labor like I did with Penelope. Thankfully I didn't

So let's start with the baby shower. What an experience on January 27!! I had such a great time getting together with my friends and family to celebrate our little boy! Lincoln is such a loved little boy! We are so blessed. The food was BOMB as ever! Filipino food for the damn win, yall! We were stuffed! So many boxes of diapers and wipes. I even had enough to give to one of my good friends who had her son a little over a month after Lincoln was born.

My mom & I

Ameena, Mzre, & I

My husband, Giovanni, and I

Ashlee, Giovanni, & I.

Our shower was so much fun, but our shower was a mess! Our baby shower location changed at the last minute & trying to contact everyone that RSVP'd was a headache. Then leave it to me to leave the games and prizes at home. Yeah.... I did that. So it ended up really just being a social bit with awesome food and awesome people. I couldn't believe all the people that showed up and loved on us!

We started to really get the nursery together for Lincoln's arrival, but the bigger I got, the less I was able to really move without pain. Not to mention that in early February, I started to really nest! In fact, during one of my crazy nesting routines, I went to blow my nose and when I blew my nose, I blacked out. Yeah. . . my lame ass blacked out and I hit the tile floor in the bathroom. I don't believe I was out long, but Penelope was climbing on me asking if I was ok. She was a great helper and grabbed my phone so I could call Giovanni to take me to L&D. Lincoln looked great, but signs were leading to the possibility of me having a pulmonary embolism and my EKG came back abnormal. I was put on bed rest for a week and then I was able to get up and move around. 

At my next appointment I was given a c-section date of March 1st, 2018. I was told to check into the hospital at 10 am and that our boy would be born around noon. To say I was scared is an understatement. I was worried that the spinal block wouldn't work and that I would be put under for a second time and miss the birth of Lincoln like I did with Penelope. 

As always, babies don't give a shit about due dates, induction dates, etc. They dont give a shit. At 38 weeks on Feb 20th, 2018 around 8 PM I started with an intense backache. I asked Giovanni if he would keep an eye on Penelope so I could take an Epsom salt bath in peace. I needed the chance to really relax. I had watched my best friend's nephew for a couple hours and then came home to do some more ridiculous nesting aka shampoo my sectional. So I figured the backache was from being hunched over for a couple hours! I got out of the bath and dried myself off. All of a sudden, I thought my water broke. I wasn't exactly sure, so I decided to just lie around and see if I was getting any contractions. My water broke with Penelope and this didn't feel the same. Within an hour I was having contractions every 8 minutes. At 6 minutes apart for an hour, we decided that we might want to head to the hospital. The first time I was checked I was only dilated to a 2. 30 minutes later my contractions were still going steady and I was 4 centimeters. I definitely wasn't going home now & lucky for me, my OB was the on-call OB. 

On Feb 21, 2018, at 3:29 AM, Lincoln Michael-Suniga Cabrera was born. He weighed 7LBS2OZ & was 19 inches long. Head full of hair & surprisingly enough, he is a perfect mix of Penney & Cabrera. Sister is so in love with him too!

 Lincoln meets Mom & Dad

Lincoln meets big sister, Penelope

Lincoln meets Auntie Ra-Ra

Lincoln is now 4 months old. He does so many incredible things and has 2 bottom teeth. He is so happy and loving! I can't wait to continue sharing photos of the kids with you all. I am so incredibly happy and fulfilled. I promise to start updating at least once a month. 

Love & Light,



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