Week 23

I am really excited about this post! I am in my 23rd week of pregnancy and can't believe that we have only 17 weeks to go until we hold our son. Giovanni and I have finally agreed on a name for our son, but we wont be announcing it until he's born. Just a little hint though.... When we ask Penelope what her brother's name is she replies with, "Chicken".
 My belly is starting to really poke out and Little Man is starting to show his moves! I worried about whether or not he was growing properly, but according to my OB second pregnancies can take longer to feel the baby finally move. I could feel and watch Penelope roll around by 14-15 weeks. I finally saw him move and really feel him move as of last week.

So far I've had an ultrasound at almost every appointment to make sure that he is growing properly and that we don't have any life threatening issues. I found out that I have placenta previa. My OB isn't very concerned due to the fact that I'm still in my second trimester & my uterus isn't done growing, but I will continue to be monitored just in case. I was told to be prepared for bed rest if I start bleeding, but I wont have to worry about my birth plan being flipped upside down since I'm a repeat c-section. With Total Placenta Previa there isn't a possibility of vaginal birth due to the placenta fully covering the cervix. To read more about placenta previa click HERE. I wasn't looking for a VBAC anyways.
IVF babies are at a higher risk of developing complications such as preterm birth, stillborn, or to die within the first 28 days of life (article). They are also more likely to have heart defects. I have been had two separate anatomy scans to make sure all is well with his little brain and his heart. At my 20 weeks scan it was discovered that his heart was measuring behind and they could not see the chambers of his heart. We're hoping that it was just the way he was positioned since my placenta is so low and he likes to hide right in it. We have to go back in two weeks to double check his heart. If they are unable to see it yet again, I will be sent to see a specialist and come up with a plan for when he is born. It's been quite nerve wrecking for us, but we are keeping hopeful that he was just hiding and that it wasn't anything to be concerned of. I have been staying away from Dr. Google after I read horror stories about babies born with heart defects and never coming home from the NICU. Our OB has had many IVF pregnancies under his belt & tried to reassure us by telling us, "In all my years in this profession, I've never had an IVF baby with a heart defect." Of course, I am a realist and my response to that is, "I appreciate that, but there's a first for everything."

We are trying to find a venue for our baby shower. Talk about crazy! Can't believe we are even so close to having a baby shower for him! AH! We have been looking at a couple local restaurants and the local recreational centers. We have a theme picked out, which I think EVERYONE is going to fall in love with! It fits our journey to getting to where we are now. Our journey has felt like the longest one in the history of the world. This pregnancy. . . How do I even explain it? I feel like I have the second longest pregnancy in comparison to Jessica Simpson. Ha!
We are starting on his nursery as well. I found a really cute all wood crib that a neighbor was selling for $50. We are going to stain it a richer color and seal it. Our loft will be transitioning to a guest bedroom and our guest bedroom will be transitioning to his beautiful little nursery. We have so much to get done in so little time, but we are so excited regardless of the work ahead.

I can't wait to start sharing pictures of his nursery and to share the excitement as we prepare for his arrival!

Until Next time,



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