Another 8 weeks down!

Holy Toledo if time could just stand still so I can catch my breath!

So much has gone on in the 8 weeks that I haven't been able to sit down and write what the hell is going on!

I am currently coming to the end of my 29th week of pregnancy. Yes!!! 29th week. I never thought I would actually get THIS far in pregnancy! It's honestly amazing!!!

So we last left off right before my Las Vegas baby shower! It was a huge success and it was so nice to see all of our Vegas family and friends. Whether they stayed for 5 minutes or were the last ones to leave, we definitely felt the love. Penelope is one lucky little girl to have all these people around her.
After the baby shower, I made one last trip to Vegas to help my best friend move into her new apt. Have no fear, I was not actually carrying anything, but I am one hell of a dish washer, unpacker, and supervisor! 

I have had SOME time to reflect on this pregnancy. To say that Giovanni and I are blessed is the understatement of the century. In 29 short weeks I have been able to feel just about every single emotion out there for this little girl. She has made me so happy, nervous, excited, confused, concerned, crazy, and terrified. Sometimes all at once. 

One of the many reasons I have been busy would be due to me joining the Younique! family =] I decided that being a stay at home wife & mom doesn't mean that I have to stop making money. It also doesn't mean that I can't have fun while doing it. If you've heard of the Younique 3D Fiber Lash Mascara, then know you can get it from me. 
You can order them here
If you have any questions about any product you can also email me!


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