Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years

Holy cow!!! So much has happened since my last post. Its not like me to not update at least once a month, but to be honest, things have been quite hectic here in the Cabrera household.

How was every one's Thanksgiving?
We spent part of our day in LA and the other part in San Diego. Having family less than 2 hours away has been awesome & our support system continue grows a little more every day.

Christmas was also spent with family in LA & also at home. We enjoyed being at home with one another. We got to really sit down and talk about how much we appreciated each other. Our relationship & friendship has been growing stronger every day. I didn't think that it could get any better, but day after day, life seems to prove me wrong.

New Years was really filled with up and down feelings. We went to Vegas to spend it with family & I quickly got to see how much Wonton does NOT enjoy taking car rides.

 We loved being able to spend our times with our nephews. They are always up to something and always into something. I was planning on posting some of our pictures with our little lovebugs, but my IPhone has had other ideas like deleting names from numbers & deleting pictures/video. If I am able to recover those photos, I will post them. We made the trip safely both ways.

Now to get to the reason why I have not been on this blog.

On November 17, 2014, Giovanni dropped me off at Albertsons to pick up groceries while he went next door to Home Depot to pick up a couple of things for the house. We discussed what we needed grocery wise on the way to Albertsons. No sooner had I grabbed a cart, I forgot what the hell we needed. If you know me then you definitely know that I can memorize a grocery list and not forget one thing while shopping & probably talking on the phone while doing so. I walked around the store for a good 15 minutes before I called Giovanni to ask him what it was that we needed. He made the same comment, "You never forget what's on a grocery list!"
Needless to say, the next thing he asked me was whether or not I was pregnant. Um, hello? I can't be pregnant. First of all, we just moved here. Second, I haven't been taking any fertility medication since we decided we would just do IVF in February. Third, we've been traveling back and forth between Vegas & California that I haven't even been able to track my cycle. I grabbed a pregnancy test and didn't even give it a thought.

I never thought I would see two pink lines ever again.

I immediately started yelling for Giovanni cause I wasn't sure if I just had "line eyes" or if I really was seeing two pink lines. There was really two pink lines. TWO PINK LINES.

I was 3 weeks 2 days pregnant. If you have been ttc then you know to get a positive pregnancy test this soon is rather rare. When we sat down and looked at my cycle we realized that I had ovulated on the weekend that Giovanni surprised me by coming home for my going away party that my coworkers threw for me. So many different things were going through Giovanni's brain. Not to mention.... mine. Is this pregnancy in the right spot? I don't even have a doctor here. Is anything going to form this time? Will I be OK this time? Are we going to be able to do this? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

California kind of sucks... they don't do ultrasounds until the 9-12 week mark. I had to BEG to talk to an actual doctor before they caved. After explaining my history to the woman who ended up being my doctor (who I absolutely LOVE), she immediately scheduled me to come in for an ultrasound at 5w3d & again at 8w4d to make sure the baby was in the right spot and growing accordingly.

Here's our first ultrasound of "Peanut":

And our second ultrasound of "Peanut":

Our Christmas announcement:
"Santa Claus came to our house, but told us that our most important gift will not be here until July 2015. As you all know, this journey has been a long one for us, but we wouldn't trade it for anything in this entire world. After countless treatments, two losses, and failed procedures, our dreams are finally coming true. 

Look out world! Baby Cabrera will be here in July!" 

I am currently 11w2d & so excited just to be around the corner of the 2nd trimester. My morning sickness is next to nothing. It really kicked in weeks 6-10, once in the morning & maybe once before dinner & lasting maybe a minute. Nothing like you see in the horror movies. I did have my first round again this morning, apparently Peanut is NOT a fan of Oatmeal. 
I have odd cravings of Frozen yogurt, pasta,strawberries, but the biggest being Saimin (extra fish cakes, spam musubi, & mac salad) which I only eat from the California Hotel in Vegas.... Crappy craving to have when you're 4 hours away from the only place you'll eat it. You bet your sweet ass it was the first thing I wanted when we got to Vegas & I grubbed hardcore! 
Yes, I did eat that whole bowl of soup, the plate of fish cakes, the whole plate of mac salad, and yes half of the spam musubi.... JUDGE ME!

One thing you don't get told about... Pregnancy Acne.... Holy mother of God. I feel like I'm 12 all over again.
There is not enough concealer in this world to cover what has happened to my face, but if that tells me that there is a healthy baby in there... then by god, I'm more than happy to deal with the acne. 

I will start updating with weekly pictures and symptoms of my pregnancy as we get further along. 

Make sure you check back for baby shower details!!!!

Love & Light,



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