Our Announcement

Oh how I wish I could come here today and say that our IUI procedure worked. I kept my hopes up right to the very end, but deep down inside, I just had that feeling that it wouldn't work. I told my mom that I didn't think it worked. I prepared myself for the "what if it didn't work" & I am so grateful that I did.

During the time that we were soaking in the fact that our family planning will just be taking a little longer than anticipated, we received news that made us come together even more.

Giovanni received a promotion that is relocating us to Temecula, California!

Not such awesome news, he had to report out there on the first. We found two days after my birthday that he would need to pack up and head out to be there on the first. 6 days notice. Then again, this has been my husband's dream, so bring it on. I've had to stay here in Vegas to tie up all loose ends and make sure that everything is packed. This is my last week in Vegas and I am so excited to finally be able to be near my husband again. A whole month of not being able to be with him has been brutal, but so very worth it.

This past month... I wont lie. It's been lonely. The people that tell you, "Oh, don't worry!!! I will help you pack" or "You totally wont be lonely!!!! I'll be there!" won't even return my calls or text messages. My mom, Delilah, and Tays have been the only ones even over at my house this month. That's it. I find myself talking to the dogs.... cause thats not crazy cat lady material right there or anything.

Any-who... onto the next awesome thing!!!

I checked the stats of the blog just to see where my blog has become appealing to others. Who would have thought that this blog would travel international???? France, Poland, Austrailia, Russia, Canada, etc.... Holy cow guys!!! Iw ould have never ever imagined that this blog would reach so many people. I can only thank you all that have read and shared my blog.

This journey has been a really really hard one and really really tough to go through alone. Although I havent really been alone, this can make you feel like you are alone. It can isolate you emotionally. I can only continue to say thank you.

Love & Light,


P.S. more than likely a new post later tonight as well.


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