
This post is going to turn this blog around. I don't want pity. I don't want you to think that I am unfortunate. I am fortunate. I am fortunate enough to have a husband that loves me more than life itself and who understands the feelings that I have every day. I am fortunate to have a doctor who believes that I will become a mother.  I am fortunate to have all of you that not only read my blog, but share it too.

This is going to be full of positives.. Dont get me wrong... there will be a venting section.

Speaking of Positives..... I finally receives a positive (pos) opk last week. If you aren't quite sure what a pos opk is, you can find the definition & how to us it here.

A word to the wise........ Make sure that when you send it to your friend who has been through every up and down with you that you warn her that it's an opk and not a damn pregnancy test. Sorry Kate!! Didn't mean to almost make you go into pre-term labor. Love you!!!

So I'm finally at the end of my 2ww (definition here) & to be quite honest I am not stressing this cycle. I am cd 21 and about a week away from taking a pregnancy test. Most women don't realize they are pregnant until they are 6-8 weeks out. When you track your cycle down to the most precious minute, we usually find out rather quick. My last two pregnancies I found out at EXACTLY cycle day 28 (day af was due). That's really early. Like I said, most women only have their usual PMS symptoms and have no idea that they are pregnant. I am not having any symptoms of anything strange. The only thing different is my skin right now. I haven't had psoriasis on my face until this cycle. It's pretty uncomfortable. Especially when you "suffer" from adult acne that is caused by hormones. Thank you CLOMID!! The reason why I put suffer in quotations is simple. I knew from the get go that with Clomid that I would have different symptoms. One of them for me happen to be adult cystic acne. Oh the Joys!!! At this point I would take a whole body of psoriasis for a baby. If you are new to this scene and you are not sure what exactly clomid is... you can find out here.

 For those of you who are active followers of my blog, if I am pregnant at the end of this cycle,  I will not be posting a positive pregnancy test on here until much much later. If I am pregnant, I will not post here until Giovanni and I decide to do so together. Not getting my hopes too up since as we all know my status... especially with the name of this blog. 

As an update since I have been so busy and unable to be as active as I would like to be; Dr. K let me know that if I am not pregnant by December then he will be referring us to Red Rock Fertility Center. He is NOT referring us to Dr. Littman as Giovanni and I had the most negative experience with her ever. He works closely with another Dr. I am however thinking of getting a second opinion at one of my friend's OBGYN due to the fact that I have been reading up on femara & interested in trying if this round of clomid does not work.  What is Femara?? Read about it here. Femara is not Dr. K's normal protocol so he is a little uneasy administering Femara to me. I respect that. 

Leave me some feedback. What am I missing? Are the links to info a little TOO much?

I'm just going to leave this post positive. No need to ruin it now. 

Love & Light,



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