When Realism Rears It's Ugly Head

I have been thinking about how I was going to start this post, but I don't think there is anything to do except to dive in. I had my first blood work drawn since our transfer of our two embryos on Monday. My doctor was awesome and called me so excited to tell me that they were looking for my numbers to be around 20-25 and they were 59.5! Excellent! It was a great start. I did cheat though. I was taking pregnancy tests to make sure my HCG trigger shot was out of my system that way if I received two lines, I knew I was pregnant. Low and behold, I got my first set of pink lines on Saturday June 24, 2017. Giovanni could not keep his mouth closed. At all. He was telling anyone and everyone that would look at him that I was pregnant. Seriously? I haven't had much of an appetite lately, but that is pretty normal for me during pregnancy to begin with and I have been sleepy after I eat. This next part is what has me on edge. I went back today (Wednesday June 28, 2017) and had my ...