Love is.... Wait.... What is it?
It's been 10 weeks since my last post and I can't really explain how UNmotivated I have been. I keep telling everyone how I am going to catch everyone up & have even announced "IT'S BLOG DAY!" on Facebook, but still can't seem to get it together enough to sit down and force myself to blog. I recently was on facebook & a friend told me of one of her friends who is going through infertility. Immediately it brought me to why I began this blog. I began this blog to inspire others, to keep faith alive, & know that even if it doesn't happen right this very second that their time is coming. The last time I wrote I was 11 weeks. 11-16 weeks nothing really happened other than my acne started slowly going away & my appetite came back with a vengeance! I love the fact that my food aversions are almost completely gone. I still get a little queasy when it comes to the smell of meat being cooked, but I no longer have a problem eating it. I ...