This post is going to turn this blog around. I don't want pity. I don't want you to think that I am unfortunate. I am fortunate. I am fortunate enough to have a husband that loves me more than life itself and who understands the feelings that I have every day. I am fortunate to have a doctor who believes that I will become a mother. I am fortunate to have all of you that not only read my blog, but share it too. This is going to be full of positives.. Dont get me wrong... there will be a venting section. Speaking of Positives..... I finally receives a positive (pos) opk last week. If you aren't quite sure what a pos opk is, you can find the definition & how to us it here . A word to the wise........ Make sure that when you send it to your friend who has been through every up and down with you that you warn her that it's an opk and not a damn pregnancy test. Sorry Kate!! Didn't mean to almost make you go into pre-term labor. Love you!!! So I'm ...