Mental Health speaking. Can I place you on a brief hold?

** Disclaimer - This is going to be a long post. I felt compelled to write this particular blog after one of my favorite Beauty Vloggers (RawBeautyKristi) tweeted about a doctor appointment that she waited 6 months for. 6 months just to have a doctor dismiss her 5 minutes into the appointment. It made me realize that what I experienced while trying to get help with postpartum depression is what a lot of others go through. It doesn't have to be. ** This is exactly what we do to ourselves. This is what we do with our mental health. We place that bitch on hold and hope that if we ignore her long enough that she'll hang up & not call back for a while. We avoid having to deal with her as if she's an ex that you see in the grocery store. You know the one. The ex that you end up taking a hard left down another aisle and pray that they didn't see you out of their peripherals. Whether we struggle with our mental health every day or just one in a blue moon, we all do st...