Follicle Count & More

On Monday I received a call from my specialist's office asking if I would be available to come into his office for an ultrasound for a follicle count. I wasn't expecting an ultrasound so quick in the game, but I was nonetheless excited. One step closer to having another little baby(ies) in our arms. I couldn't sleep at all. I specifically stayed home from the gym Monday night so that I would be able to get to bed early. 6:30 AM rolls around EARLY for a mom when her child sleeps in until 10:30 every morning. I finally fell asleep around 3:30 AM Tuesday morning & was almost positive that I was dying from exhaustion. Having to wake up Penelope at 7:30 AM was a chore in itself, but we prevailed and she had an excellent time snoozing at her godmother's house and watching Finding Dory in nothing, but a diaper. Auntie for the win! As always, I was super early to my appointment and stayed in my car trying not to throw up from the nerves for almost an hour. I started repla...