Stand Up

It's been 4 months & 17 days since my last post. Some of you have e-mailed me asking where I have been. Some of you never knew I was missing. Then there are others..... others that began e-mailing me hate mail. Hate mail so vile that I began contemplating deleting the entire blog... My whole journey was swirling around the click of the delete button like the last bit of water draining from the tub.Yep, I received e-mails that would make me sit at the edge of my bed & wonder what in the fuck I ever did to some of you people. Then I saw something amazing. My Timehop app showed me a status that I posted one year ago today: "Don't forget to stand up for yourself. Don't forget to stand up for those who are too scared. Don't forget to pick up those who have weakened in their journey. Don't allow others who are bitter take the smile from your face." I needed to see this today. I needed to be reminded that I let you win. I let you take a...