Cancer: The Big F*CK You

It seems to me that cancer has surrounded me for a big part of my adult life. I didn't realize it until this week after watching a movie: If you haven't seen this movie..... You need to. It's beautiful, sweet, romantic, and heartbreaking... all at the same time. Two teenagers that still find the beauty in life & love even though they have cancer. After watching this movie, I began to reflect on just this year alone in my life with friends or even meer Facebook pages that I have followed closely. Everywhere I looked, cancer seemed to be staring me in the face. I know, I know. Everyone keeps saying, "Everything causes cancer nowadays." I have never been more aware until this year. As some of you women (or even men who may follow this blog & are going through this with your partner) may know, a lot of the medications that we put into our bodies in order to conceive can cause us to have a higher risk of cancer. Some of these medications are...